Note: I had originally desired to post this blog on Thursday, March 12, but I had a HUGE multiple project deadline that captured my attention for the most part of the day. Luckily, I’m into grace, so no biggie! Here it is!
There are some things in life you just can’t simply do without. You know – food, air, water, ice cream… just me? Okay. Well, there are some things I simply cannot do without when it comes to designing. It’s another question I get like the “How did you get here?” infamous question! This question is “How do you do what you do?” Well, my dears, let me tell you!
1. My Laptop
My laptop is my baby, my everything, my precious (but not in that creepy LOTR Gollum way)! It’s how I design. So, that makes it numero uno in my book!
2. Adobe Creative Cloud
Other than #1, I cannot do a single thing without the Adobe Creative Cloud. Seriously. If something were to happen with it, I wouldn’t be able to do anything for my lovely clients. Actually — the only thing I would be able to do is calligraphy, BUT there go my nifty digital proofs! The Creative Cloud is amaaaaaazing and everyone should learn how to use it!
3. My Favorite Calligraphy Pen
I’d say I have a favorite nib too, but you just need different nibs for different styles, so I’m not going name favorites. But, I DO have a favorite calligraphy pen holder thing! She’s a beaut. Her name is Molly. I just came up with that right now! I got her from a letterpress shop in Portland called Oblation Papers & Press last spring when Mr. Architect and I vacationed for our wedding anniversary! She’s purdy and a light wooden color and she fits perfectly into my miniature hand. (My hands look tiny I think.)
4. Le Pens
I’m not going to drag a nib and a bottle of ink in my purse everywhere I go, so the next best thing is a good, quality, inky, pigmenty, modern and slim pen! I use it for all my note-taking and even some sketching if I need color to differentiate between stuff. Le Pens are the best, and they come in every color you’ll ever need! Just don’t leave them uncapped in your expensive designer purse… you’ll regret it. *Takes a moment of silence for the passing of a beautiful purse named Maple*
5. My Tools!
I had to lump these little dudes in one number because they’re just too numerous to count for separate things! Plus, I always use them together. They are my #2 X-Acto knife (it actually belonged to my husband when he was in architecture school), my 12 inch straight edge (also my husband’s), my pink cutting mat (all mine!), and my folding bone. These guys are ESSENTIAL to my craft.
6. A Clean, Neat, Organized, and Dust-Free Work Space
I know OCD is a real thing, and one of these days it’d be interesting to see if there’s an inkling in me, but I cannot get a Single. Thing. Done. if my desk is not in somewhat of an order. It’s important to me that when I design, I have a clean slate — not only in my sketchbook and notebook, but also in my mind and on my desk. I also can’t sleep if I leave my desk in a mess (it currently resides in the bedroom), either. It’s like trying to drive 60 MPH when everyone is going 20 MPH on the freeway. You just can’t!
7. My Songbird Aqua Notebook, Client Binder, and Sketchbook
Ahhh, the trifecta of books. I’m so picky about paper (haha, duh), and I nailed the prettiest, smoothest, and most travel-friendly notebook for my 2015 client notes. It’s great AND refillable! In fact, let me take you to it here. It comes in gold, too! My client binder is my home base — I have official notes and details on all my clients’ needs and I refer to this every day. Lastly, my sketchbook is where I get out those first designs out from my head and onto the paper. You can’t do *everything* digitally!
8. Noise Distraction
I’m generally a keep-to-herself kind of girl (I used to be shy… I might still be a little shy… just a bit!), so I really enjoy working from home in my little pseudo studio. But on the occasion, I do like to have some sort of noise distraction in the background to keep me from starting into my laptop and external monitor screens for hours on end! Usually, the noise is either some tunes on Spotify (the 90 Sweet 90s Hits are great! As are my husband’s playlists!), or some show on Netflix or Amazon Prime (i.e., Gilmore Girls right now!)
9. Four Calendars
Okay, okay, this one is a silly one. But I just looked around my space and saw that I indeed look at four calendars every day! When designing, I take into consideration so many things, and one of them is time — how much time do I have? What am I doing that day? What time of year is this design for? So it makes the list! The first calendar is a giant calendar on my wall that I use for quick reference writing down big events, client weddings and industry events. The second is a year-at-a-glance calendar (thanks, Emily Ley!), the third is my Emily Ley Simplified Planner (she’s amazing), and lastly is my Google calendar. FUN!
10. Mr. Architect
Mr. Architect (my husband) shouldn’t be last on this list as he IS the most important thing in my life when it comes to design and every other part of my life! He’s my inspiration, he’s my problem solver, he’s my level head, he’s my fix-it guy, he’s my silly, he’s my support, he’s my comfort, he’s my cheerleader, he’s my smartie, and he’s my love. I couldn’t be here without him!
So that’s it, boys and girls! 10 Things I Cannot Design Without! What are sort of the things you’d be lost without for your profession or passion?
Until next time!
PS: Don’t forget my first ever giveaway! Details here:
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